Our Partnership Projects with Operation Transform
To strengthen the agency of community and government stakeholders to take action to promote teaching and learning, rural socio-economic development, entrepreneurship and work-readiness of the youth and early career researchers, we co-founded Operation Transform in 2016, a non-profit community development organisation.

Emerging farmers and agro-processing symposium

RRS – Flabes Awareness Campaign on Climate Change Impacts (FACCCI)
Environmental Sustainability Projects and Partnerships

- We also collaborate with other partners on Community Coastal Clean-Up projects
Research Nitty Gritties
As a means to foster science communication and address social impact gaps in business and community-based research, RRS initiated Research Nitty Gritties; a citizen-led community development project which is charged to mentor research students and practitioners and break the research monotony. The project aims to build capacity for foundational academic literacy and business intelligence competencies of upcoming and early career researcher.

The RRS Team