Performance is Fire, Passion is Gasoline

It’s been six months since many parents have been home-schooling or facilitating the online learning of their children, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. My life somewhat stopped. It stopped to foster my child’s education and family’s well-being. I was literally in a limbo. I fought very hard to pick up momentum in other areas of my life. It’s been an adventurous journey for many of us, one which we wouldn’t have envisaged in decades to come.
The past months have however been instrumental in facilitating deep reflections on my purpose and calling. It now makes more sense why they say ‘every cloud has a silver lining’. Napoleon Hill once said – “Do not wait, the time will never be just right.” Are you always drawn back and not bold enough to take giant steps in fear of failure? Well, I hope you are ready for this: Failure is one of the signs you are making progress! It is time to dust yourself off and pick up momentum again.
Failure is one of the indicators of progress. Every master thinks like a beginner. It is only those who resiliently yearn for growth that fail and rise up stronger and better. They learn to determine never to act in the same ways which resulted in past failures. While this analogy may seem paradoxical, I assure you that your progress is hidden in your struggles and pain.
No amount of money or temporary gratification should be worth giving up on your dreams. How much did they pay you to give up on your dreams? Are you camping where you were meant to pass through? Let your inner soul come alive. Do what makes you tick and keeps you up late at night. Do away with mundane tasks which mess up with your spark and umph. I say the last word pinching my thumb and index finger in unison, raising both fingers toward the white ceiling in my home office.
Let gasoline set alight the fire in your soul. Performance is fire, passion is gasoline. Performance could pay your bills, but passionate performance will bring you joy and fulfilment for the rest of your life. Passion is what makes you work endlessly and pursue it billion times over, without any expectations or compensation. I hope gasoline meet your fire, or fire your gasoline.
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“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~ Howard Thurman
Abosede Ijabadeniyi (PhD)